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January 2012

There are 2 blog entries for January 2012.

Carmel Indiana Real Estate - Year End Report 2011

Friday, January 27th, 2012 at 9:25am. 2891 Views, 0 Comments.

Yesterday we looked at the year end report for Indianapolis, today it is time to head to the northern suburb of Carmel to see what the Carmel Indiana real estate market did for the year end of 2011. First let’s look at the December sales data for Carmel homes:

  2010 2011 % Change
Active N/A 608
Homes Sold 89 85 -4%
Average Selling Price $321,373 $281,665 -12%
Days on Market 93 107 15%
Price Per Square Foot $117 $104 -11%
Sales Price / List Price

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Indianapolis Real Estate - Year End Report 2011

Thursday, January 26th, 2012 at 9:20pm. 2917 Views, 0 Comments.

It that time to start looking at the December / End of year market reports. Let’s start with the Indianapolis real estate market and make our way to the suburbs over the next couple of days. So, without further ado, here are the numbers for the December sales for Indianapolis homes:

  2010 2011 % Change
Active N/A 5523
Homes Sold 710 719 1%
Average Selling Price $116,975 $107,563 -8%
Days on Market 93 104 12%
Price Per Square Foot $61 $64 5%

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