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August 2010

There are 2 blog entries for August 2010.

Carmel Real Estate Report - July 2010

Thursday, August 12th, 2010 at 2:50pm. 2614 Views, 0 Comments.

Carmel has been on a tear this year posting double digit gains in number of homes sold and average selling price. While the tax credit expiring has had an effect on the market, we still saw a 15% increase in the average sales price for July. The number of units was expectedly down by 16% this month over the same time last year but YTD we are still up 19% over last year’s numbers. Here is a look at the YTD numbers for number of homes sold and average selling price:

  Number of Homes Sold
Average Sales Price  
  2009 2010 % Change 2009

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Fishers Real Estate Report - July 2010

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010 at 11:49am. 2950 Views, 0 Comments.

As expected, the tax credit hangover has officially affected the Fishers real estate numbers in a big way. Here are the YTD stats for all homes for sale in Fishers:

  Number of Homes Sold
Average Sales Price  
  2009 2010 % Change 2009 2010 % Change

Jan. 67 62 -7% $205,432 $230,595 12%

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