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January 2010

There are 3 blog entries for January 2010.

Carmel Indiana Real Estate - Year End Report 2009

Friday, January 22nd, 2010 at 7:17am. 3242 Views, 0 Comments.

I don’t want to bore my readers to death with yearend reports, but I find them very interesting and a good indicator of how the market is doing. So, today we will look at the Carmel real estate yearend report. First though, I always like to look at the month of December:

  2008 2009 % Change
Active N/A 649
Homes Sold 79 87 10%
Average Selling Price $361,035 $327,086 -9%
Days on Market 79 95 20%
Price Per Square Foot $114 $113 -1%
Sales Price /

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Indianapolis Real Estate - Year End Report 2009

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010 at 9:21am. 2744 Views, 0 Comments.

Let’s take a look and see how the Indianapolis real estate market did in 2009. Before we dive into the yearend numbers let’s see how December turned out:

  2008 2009 % Change
Active N/A 6844
Homes Sold 818 768 -6%
Average Selling Price $90,113 $103,039 14%
Days on Market 95 86 -9%
Price Per Square Foot $50 $56 12%
Sales Price / List Price 89% 94% 6%


Now we can look at the yearend numbers for

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Fishers Real Estate - End of Year Report 2009

Monday, January 11th, 2010 at 3:03pm. 2382 Views, 0 Comments.

It time to look back at the Fishers real estate market and see how it compared to 2008. First though, let’s take a look at the month of December:

  2008 2009 % Change
Active N/A 544
Homes Sold 92 75 -18%
Average Selling Price $212,469 $204,072 -4%
Days on Market 85 59 -31%
Price Per Square Foot $91 $90 -1%
Sales Price / List Price 94% 97% 3%

Now for the year end info for Fishers homes:

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