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January 2011

There are 3 blog entries for January 2011.

Carmel Indiana Real Estate - Year End Report 2010

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 at 9:17am. 3791 Views, 0 Comments.

Today it is time to look at the Carmel Indiana real estate market for 2010 year end. Again, we will see the trend of less activity but increased sales price. Let’s take a look at what we are dealing with then attempt some analysis. Here is December in detail:

  2009 2010 % Change
Active N/A 734  
Homes Sold 90 78 -13%
Average Selling Price $322,835 $318,187 -1%
Days on Market 96 85 -11%
Price Per Square Foot $112 $114 2%
Sales Price / List Price 95% 95%

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Fishers Real Estate - Year End Report 2010

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011 at 8:49am. 2360 Views, 0 Comments.

Yesterday we looked at Indianapolis, today we will be looking at how the Fishers real estate rounded out 2010. Indianapolis had a very clear trend of decreased sales activity and increased sales price. Fishers will continue this trend as 2010 closes out. First let’s take a look at December in detail:

  2009 2010 % Change
Active N/A 602
Homes Sold 79 75 -5%
Average Selling Price $194,620 $201,375 3%
Days on Market 61 96 57%
Price Per Square Foot $89 $89 0%

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Indianapolis Real Estate Year End Report 2010

Monday, January 10th, 2011 at 8:07am. 2466 Views, 0 Comments.

The time has come to take a look at the year of 2009 and see how the Indianapolis real estate market performed.  Over the next few days, I will be posting the year end reports for most of the Indianapolis market.  Today, we start with Indianapolis itself.

Indianapolis has typically not performed as well as the suburbs and has been plagued with more foreclosures than the suburbs as well.  However, despite this Indianapolis has actually posted some great numbers for 2009 indicating a recovery may already be well underway. 

Let ’s take a look at the month of December in detail:

  2009 2010 % Change
Active N/A 6603
Homes Sold

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